The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.

This ruling transferred the power to decide abortion access and restrictions to each state’s government. Since June, states have been passing a range of new abortion laws or enforcing existing ones previously blocked by Roe v. Wade.

However, after months of confusion in Michigan over a 1931 abortion ban that resurfaced after Roe v. Wade was overturned, the laws have recently been updated.

What Are Michigan’s Abortion Laws?

During Michigan’s 2022 midterm election, 56.7% of voters approved Ballot Proposal 3, which “established a new individual right to reproductive freedom.” This amendment will soon be added to the state constitution.

This amendment means abortion will be legal until fetal viability (around 24 weeks) and after in cases of life endangerment. 

A Patchwork of Abortion Access

Many news outlets began describing the landscape of U.S. abortion laws as a “patchwork.” This is because the laws vary greatly based on the state.

While women might not have access to abortion in certain states, they may consider traveling to states with different laws. 

What About the Life of the Woman?

In cases of life endangerment, women can receive medical intervention, even in states with strict abortion laws like Texas

Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy are not considered abortions because the pregnancies are non-viable. This means they have naturally ended (miscarriage), or they will not be able to survive due to being implanted outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy).

Treatments for these conditions are legal and available if necessary, especially since ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening.

An ultrasound scan can help identify these conditions. We offer these scans at no cost to all women in our community and elsewhere.

Make an Empowered Choice

In Michigan, women can access all options: abortion, parenting, and adoption. If you have questions about any of these, we can provide more information so that you can make an empowered choice.

If considering abortion, we recommend receiving an ultrasound and STI testing. This will screen for complications like miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy and tell you how far along you are. These details will help you understand your health status. 

STI testing before abortion will help screen for existing STIs to prevent ascending infection. This is when STIs are spread further into the reproductive system during an abortion, causing  pelvic inflammatory disease. We offer no-cost STI testing referrals.
Make your no-cost, confidential appointment with us today!
